Recology is 1 yr old

Scott Chamberlain

This blog has lasted a whole year already.  Thanks for reading and commenting.

There are a couple of announcements:

  1. Less blogging: I hope to put in many more years blogging here, but in full disclosure I am blogging for Journal of Ecology now, so I am going to be (and already have been) blogging less here.
  2. More blogging: If anyone wants to write guest posts at Recology on the topics of using R for ecology and evolution, or open science, please contact me.
  3. Different blogging: I was going to roll out the new dynamic views for this blog, but Google doesn't allow javascript, which is how I include code using GitHub gists. Oh well...

Anywho, here is the breakdown of visits to this blog, visualized using #ggplot2, of course. There were a total of about 23,000 pageviews in the first year of this blog.

Here is the pie chart code I used:

Visits to top ten posts:

Visits by by pages:

Visits by top referring sites:

Visits by country:

Visits by browsers:

Visits by operating system:

Posted in  ggplot2 Evolution Ecology R

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