rOpenSci won 3rd place in the PLoS-Mendeley Binary Battle!

Scott Chamberlain

I am part of the rOpenSci development team (along with Carl Boettiger, Karthik Ram, and Nick Fabina).   Our website:  Code at Github:

We entered two of our R packages for integrating with PLoS Journals (rplos) and Mendeley (RMendeley) in the Mendeley-PLoS Binary Battle.  Get them at GitHub (rplosRMendeley).

These two packages allow users (from R! of course) to search and retrieve data from PLoS journals (including their altmetrics data), and from Mendeley.  You could surely mash up data from both PLoS and Mendeley.  That's what's cool about rOpenSci - we provide the tools, and leave it up to users vast creativity to do awesome things.

3rd place gives us a $1,000 prize, plus a Parrot AR Drone helicopter.

Posted in  packages rmendeley openaccess ropensci rplos R

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