(#ESA11) rOpenSci: a collaborative effort to develop R-based tools for facilitating Open Science

Scott Chamberlain

Our development team would like to announce the launch of rOpenSci. As the title states, this project aims to create R packages to make open science more available to researchers.


What this means is that we seek to connect researchers using R with as much open data as possible, mainly through APIs. There are a number of R packages that already do this (e.g., infochimpstwitteR), but we are making more packages, e.g., for MendeleyPLoS Journals, and taxonomic sources (ITISEOLTNRSPhylomaticUBio).

Importantly, we are creating a package called rOpenSci, which aims to integrate functions from packages for individual open data sources.

If you are somewhat interested, follow our progress on our website, on Twitter, or contact us. If you are really2 interested you could go to Github and contribute. If  you are really3 interested, join our development team.

Posted in  openaccess Evolution API Ecology R Datasets

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